An Interview With Little Jane and The Pistol Whips

Q: Can you share the inspiration behind “Montana Can’t You See” and what led you to choose it as the lead single for your new album?

A: Hello! Montana Can’t You See is a love song to my home state of Montana and deserves to be front on the new project. With the new or renewed interest in Montana due to shows such as “Yellowstone, 1889, and more,” this is a song that many people can relate to. If a listener has not yet visited Montana, possibly after listening to this song, they will 

Q: How has living in Montana influenced your music, particularly evident in “Montana Can’t
You See”?

A: Being raised in Montana shaped me and undoubtedly influenced my music/writing style.
Montana weather is what we call “bi-polar,” meaning, it is nice one minute and frigid the next. The joke is, “If you don’t like the weather in MT, wait five minutes or drive five miles.” Growing up in an ever-changing climate such as this makes a person tough, diligent, and prepared. The elements in MT are no joke and could kill someone if they are unprepared for the weather. In listening to the new album, ‘Long Road Ahead,’ I can hear the versatility and variability that Montana helped instill in me. 

Q: Can you walk us through the creative process behind the song, from its inception to

A: I had just returned home from a winter season in Long Beach, CA (living alongside my high-voltage lineman husband). I was residing in a guest house in Livingston, MT, where I felt
comfortable and safe. Feeling this overwhelming gratitude for my situation, I sat down with a
cup of coffee and started playing. What came from that writing session was Montana Can’t You See. 
 Q: “Montana Can’t You See” has a distinct Americana/Country feel. How do you approach
blending different musical styles to create your unique sound?

A: First, thank you! I love both genres, so it is great to hear them blend nicely. I honestly do not have any process for blending or bending genres. Instead, I believe it is a product of listening to both genres often and writing from the heart where both reside. 
Q: The lyrics of the song are described as a love letter to Montana. Could you delve into the
specific emotions and experiences you aimed to convey through the lyrics?

A: When you’ve lived in a city (Long Beach), you may not notice it if you’re from there or
accustomed to it, but the skyline has a greyish filter on the horizon. I call this filter, “smog.”
Don’t get me wrong, you can see mountains, palm trees, blue skies, and clouds from Long Beach on a clear day. However, even on those days, there is a tinge of smog. 
Driving up to Montana on I-15, one will notice that the grass is greener, the sky is bluer, and the clouds are whiter. This is where the lyrics, “I can’t help but stare, I know it’s rude. But the way you’re looking it’s all that I can do.  You’ve got the biggest mountains that I’ve seen, and the bluest skies, oh, what a dream. Montana, you’ve got a hold on me” come from. It is hard not to fall in love with this place. 

 Q: “Montana Can’t You See” is part of your new album, “Long Road Ahead.” Can you share the
overarching concept or theme of the album?

A: The overarching theme of the album is discovery. Discovery in myself, my husband’s profession (union lineman), and new places (cities). With all of this discovery comes a gratitude for things I may have taken advantage of such as the quiet of an evening without the sirens and traffic sounds. The beauty of a clear day. I learned a lot about Union culture and Line life. These guys/gals are risking their lives daily to keep our lights on, many working out of town. As a society, we could better place these men/women in the heroic category of first responders, firefighters, law enforcement, etc. 
 Q: How do you collaborate within the band when creating a song, and what role did each
Does member play in bringing “Montana Can’t You See” to life?

A: When we enter the studio, the songs are already set; meaning, they have the tune, lyrics, verses, choruses, and bridges all figured out. I had to spend a lot of time charting and arranging the songs before the studio session. The bandmates bring unique sounds and talents to every show and recording session. All I had to do, was pick my crew and trust that they will do what they do, which they did 😉  It is beautiful to have played with the same people for over a decade as you know each other’s next move in music, much like finishing a sentence for someone you know. 
 Q: Your music has resonated with a diverse audience. How do you create music that connects with listeners on a personal level, as seen in “Montana Can’t You See”?

A: I love hearing that a diverse audience can connect with the album; thank you! I am not sure how that is done as it was not intentional. I can only guess that writing from the heart and being vulnerable helps people attach to a song or concept that brings us closer to one another. I wrote these songs without an agenda other than to get my feelings down on paper and in song format. This follows the line, “do what you love, and the (money, success, or relation) will follow.” I am lucky and grateful to be able to put a collective human experience into words. 
 Q: Reflecting on your journey since 2008, how has Little Jane and The Pistol Whips evolved
musically, and how does “Montana Can’t You See” fit into that evolution?


A: Since 2008, the group and writing have evolved, and I believe that is reflected in ‘Long Road Ahead.’ As a writer, singer, and guitar player, I have improved in all three aspects of music. I can hear the evolution when listening to the songs on this album as they are written about other people’s perspectives; they have bridges, pre-chorus, and other unique parts. The group has grown closer and able to sound “tight” as people say; meaning, we sound like we have practiced together for 16 years 😉 

 Q: What are your aspirations for “Montana Can’t You See” and the album “Long Road Ahead”? Any specific goals or messages you hope to convey through these releases?

A: Of course I would love if Long Road Ahead could get placed in the hands of a production
company that could pitch the songs to a nationally known artist. However, I will be pleased to know that your readers and many listeners across the country are learning about this music from their local community radio. There are a lot of songs on ‘Long Road Ahead,’ that could bring someone comfort and an understanding that they are not alone. I hope that this is the message this album conveys.

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