An Intervew With Erin Duvall

Q: Congratulations on the release of your latest single, “To Be Here”! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

A: My name is Erin Duvall, and I am a Texas-born and raised singer/songwriter, mother, and entrepreneur who was raised on a foundation of country, blues, gospel, and rock ‘n’ roll. I grew up in a large family in Dallas, TX, as the fourth of five children. I have two very wonderful parents who taught us at an early age the importance of hard work and giving back. Every aspect of my life since I was a little girl has been based around being a performer. I was always writing songs in my journal, blaring Dolly Parton or Shania Twain, and putting on shows for anyone who would listen. My younger years were full of performing, from being the lead in the high school musical to captaining the cheerleading squad. I took a pause to go to college at The University of Texas and majored in journalism, where I really honed in on my craft of writing. Immediately after college, I went straight back to music and have had quite the journey along the way: from children’s music to my music, from New York to Nashville to the West Coast, then back to Texas, to becoming a mother to four wonderful children, then to becoming a single mother and writing this new album—it’s been a long and winding road. One that has always been centered on music. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my love of music and all the fabulous places it has taken me along the way to get to where I am now.

Q: What was your creative process like in writing and recording “To Be Here”? Did anything specific influence the sound or lyrics of the song?

A: “To Be Here” is a very significant song to me. It is a love song to my children and to anyone who is raising kids or has raised kids. Being a parent is the hardest but most rewarding job in the world. And if I have learned anything about being a parent over the last eleven years, it is just to be present for your children because parenting is spelled out in time. Recording this song was really neat because we brought my children into the studio, and they are featured in this song. Their voices at that moment in time will forever be commemorated in that song. It will always hold a very special place in my heart.

Q: What message do you hope listeners take away from the song?

A: Being a parent is the most rewarding, yet challenging, job in the entire world. I believe that we can be really hard on ourselves as parents and feel that we sometimes do not do enough. This song is a beautiful reminder that being present and just being there, even when they don’t need you in the moment, is the most important part of being a parent. 

Q: How does “To Be Here” differ from your previous releases?

A: “To Be Here” is a ballad that tugs at your heartstrings. It is more tender than my previous releases, but still honest and real. I write from my experiences, so I hope people can always feel that genuineness in my writing.

Q: What was the biggest challenge you faced while creating “To Be Here”?

A: Incorporating my children’s voices in the song was the most important aspect of the song to me, but definitely the more complicated and intricate aspect of the song. We are really pleased with how it all blended together. 

Q: How important is it for you to connect with your audience emotionally through your music, and how does “To Be Here” contribute to that connection?

A: Like I mentioned above, I always write from very personal places, and I hope that the authenticity of my writing is felt by my listeners as the topics I write about are universal. “To Be Here” is written for anyone who is a parent and has walked through the different chapters of life with their children. It will definitely tug at your heartstrings.

Q: Lastly, what can we expect from you in the near future? Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you’re excited about and would like to share with your fans?

A: I wear many hats on a daily basis, and all of those different hats make up who I am as a person. To give you a little insight into the world of Erin Duvall, here are some of the fun projects I am currently working on: My newest single, “Girls Weekend,” is about to make its debut on August 11th. This new song is about female friendships that transcend their worth and how a girls weekend for everyone might not look the same, but it will be felt by everyone. Also, my full album will drop this fall, in late September or early October, with a feature single. I am so excited for everyone to hear this album in its entirety. It has been a labor of love. Additionally, my foundation, “Twice the Love Foundation,” hosted its first event in November of last year, and we raised money for a wonderful charity in Dallas, The Genesis Women’s Shelter. We are currently working on some wonderful new ideas for the charity and starting to prepare for next year’s event. The Twice the Love Foundation’ focuses on the social, emotional, and financial stressors of being a single parent and helps those who need assistance get back on their feet again. And my children’s animated project is preparing to make its return! We are very excited for everyone to follow along.

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