An Interview With Andrew Jones

Q: Welcome! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

A: Hey guys, I’m Andrew Jones, a British singer/songwriter taking inspiration from a bit of Country, Southern Rock, and British Rock.

Q: When did you realize that you wanted to become a musician?

A: I have always been a singer from a very young age, my dad and uncle played guitar so I always wanted to do that as well. I was lead soloist in my school choir winning several Rotary Club awards. But music really progressed in my late teens, helping my friend write songs for his band, or test them vocally at least. We then played an open mic competition together as there were so few entries on the night and got offered a gig at the end of it, forming Acoustic Journey (later Journey Home). 16 years later I’m still writing and performing in my spare time.

Q: Can you tell us about your latest single, “My Old Street,” and the inspiration behind it?

A: Following the journey from moving from North Wales to my current hometown, starting a home and a family, and then the possible future paths my son might tread. Having a stable home has been such a platform for my life and I hope we can keep that for my little boy. My son has inspired a few new songs since he’s been here.

Q: Is there a particular reason why you chose “My Old Street” as the title for this single?

A: I’ve lived in the same town for most of my life, chances are I’ll always be here so it sort of made sense.

Q: Are there any specific lyrics in “My Old Street” that hold special meaning to you?

A: I think the verse/chorus about my son in the future is my favorite part, it was hard to sing without getting emotional when I first wrote it.

Q: How would you describe your sound to someone who’s not heard your music before?

A: Truthful and honest songwriting with a “Modern Country Rock” feel

Q: Who would be your ultimate dream collaboration with, and why?

A: Mark Knopfler, I was raised on Dire Straits and Pink Floyd when I was young. (Dad’s a bit of a rocker) and he was one of the first big arenas shows I went to as a teenager. Folk and Rock blended for some beautiful tunes. Definitely, someone I’d love to work with.

Q: Who is your favorite musician or band of all time and why?

A: I don’t think I have an ultimate favorite as I love so much different music. I think maybe Kip Moore just because of the variation he’s had on all his albums and the inspiration he’s had for my writing.

Q: What other projects or releases can your fans look forward to in the near future?

A: The next single will likely be “Back to the Start”, a song about long-term relationships and the shift in mindset that can happen as you go day-to-day with the same person, losing the initial excitement but wanting to get back to some sense of how it was at the start of the relationship.

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