An Interview With Jewleyouse

Q: Welcome! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?
What up guy I’m jewleyouse. 
Q: You recently released your new single ” Low Confidence ” can you tell us what the song is about? 

This caters to women. Sometimes women don’t know how beautiful they are without makeup. And us as men don’t recognize the scares they cover up”.The song is brash, bold, and gritty. It’s head nodding Hip-Hop at its best. DJs are raving about the song and it is receiving accolades from notable mix shows.


Q: What inspirations do you take when writing your music?
I like to write about my experience in life. this is what makes my music different.
Q: Who are your current favorite new artists?
Currently, my favorite artist is lil baby, I like his flow. it nice 
Q: Who would your dream collaboration be with, and why?
All my dream artist who I would do a collaboration with is dead. 
Q: What does the rest of the year have in store for you?
Just keep dropping new music and try to change the world with it.

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