2ble Jay – Ella Bebe

Cascading electro rhythms intertwined with pop bursts, here is 2ble jay with his new attractive song Ella Bebe. Under the caressing breath of his voice, he multiplies the contrasts and sensual echoes. Mixture of fiery cracklings and fiery swings, it creates balances with heady electric reverses. Ella Bebe is about Jay taking this girl to the club, and she ends up drinking more than him, smoking more than him, and even having more fun than him. This feverish pop slams both choppy beats and a delicate sprawling groove. With this sweet and fiery blend of hit notes with deliciously catchy flavors, 2ble jay hits hard.

2ble Jay, pronounced “Double Jay”, is a Brooklyn-based singer, songwriter, and rapper. With his ability to combine Spanish and English words, he’s capable of creating melodious songs that span different genres such as Hip Hop, Dancehall, and R&B.
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